How Celery Improves Your Health

Celery is indeed the #1 Food for High Blood Pressure or Hypertension. Celery is excellent for treating Vertigo, Meniere’s Disease, Headaches, Dysentery, Diarrhea with bloody stools and chills & sweats.

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Liz Perry
Alzheimer’s and Candida

Recent findings show that the same plaque found in the brain of Alzheimer’s Disease Patients, is identical to the plaque found in Candida – amyloid beta is the name of the plaque.

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Liz Perry
Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Yes, coconut oil clears blockages in the arteries. Vegetable oil clogs arteries. Coconut Oil helps raise the good cholesterol HDL/high density lipoproteins, which in turn helps lower bad cholesterol LDL/Low density lipoproteins, and promotes heart health.

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Liz Perry
Valentine's Day Heart Health

Heart Health refers to any kind of cardiovascular diseases, not only the “Heart” organ itself. Cardiovascular disease is in fact the #1 killer in America, and it doesn’t have to be. I will give you some tips today on “How Not to Die from Cardiovascular Disease.

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Liz Perry
Is Eating Chicken Harmful?

Yes, sadly there can be a very high cost to cheap chicken! Consumer Reports published a study in February 2014 finding 97% of retail chicken breast from grocery store shelves was contaminated with bacteria that can make people sick.

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Liz Perry