How to Prevent Alzheimer’s

Q: Hi Dr. Liz, can you tell me about Alzheimer’s Disease, and how to prevent it?
A. Yes. Alzheimer’s disease is the fastest growing disease in America, and you are wise to inquire about prevention.

Q. I’m over 60 years old, is it still effective to practice some of these protocols?
A. Yes. It’s never ever too late to make smart lifestyle changes!

Q. Ok great! Please share some scientifically proven ways I can help improve brain function and prevent Alzheimer’s disease?
A. Ok, I will share with you 6 different ways you can start to prevent this disease!

  1. Fruits & Veggies

  2. Omega 3- Fatty Acids (DHA)

  3. Prevent Plaque on Teeth

  4. Avoid Fluoride

  5. Avoid Aluminum

  6. Walk backwards for 10 minutes/day

Q. I eat a piece of fruit for breakfast and have some veggies for dinner as part of my meal, it this sufficient?
A. No, it’s a good start! it is important to consume fresh fruits and vegetables daily! If you have difficulty eating at least 4-5 servings of both fruits and at least 4-5 servings of veggies daily, I recommend “Juice Plus” as a daily supplement. Juice Plus is simply fruits & veggies in a capsule, most of which are organically grown, AND safe for diabetics! It helps fill the gap between what you actually eat, and what you should be eating every day. You can ask me about Juice Plus and I can help get you started!

Q. Should I eat Salmon?
A. Very good! It is wise to increase your omega-3 fatty acids, which contain DHA. This is generally good food for the brain and it’s function. You can also enjoy tuna, sardines and mackerel if you choose!

Q. What about the plaque on my teeth?
A. Very important! Keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy! If your body is prone to creating excess plaque, get your teeth cleaned more often! Perhaps a cleaning every three months is appropriate. Studies do show the relationship between plaque in the mouth, and plaque in the brain, which is found to relate to Alzheimer’s disease. So if you keep plaque out of your mouth, you are more likely to keep the same plaque out of your brain!

Q. What about fluoride?
A. This is key! Avoid fluoride at all costs. Fluoride is toxic to brain health. Numerous studies show this. Stay away from fluoride in your toothpaste, mouthwash and fluoride in your water.

Q. What about aluminum?
A. You must avoid aluminum as well. Do not use foil or allow foil products to touch your food. Small particles from the foil itself can attach themselves to your food and get into your blood stream through digestion and cause disease, specifically dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. If you are freezing food and it is first wrapped in an inner layer of safe product, it is then ok to put foil around the preliminary layer, so long as it is not making any direct contact with your food.

Q. Thanks Dr. Liz! What about the aluminum that is in deodorant?
A. Change to a deodorant that does not contain aluminum! You can search on line or go to a health food store to find natural deodorants. Some work better than others in terms of their actual function. I personally recommend Alvera’s all natural roll on deodorant, Aloe & Almonds. You can find this online at:

Q. How about exercise?
Exercise is very important for overall good health! It is also key in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. As you all know that I am currently studying to be a physician in Medical School. There are studies that show ‘walking backwards’ for 10 minutes a day can help prevent and even reverse Alzheimer’s disease! Please do this in a safe environment if you choose to try it!

Q. Thanks Liz! All I can say is what will you talk about next week?
A. I will discuss cholesterol. What is really high cholesterol, and what is not! and what you can do about it naturally.

About Dr. Liz Perry
Dr. Liz is a primary care provider with a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and a Master’s degree in Business Management from Harvard University. For over 22 years, Dr. Liz has worked as an international healthcare consultant, has traveled the world, and has written hundreds of published articles as a health journalist.

Liz Perry