How to Lower Cholesterol

Q:  I enjoy eating rhubarb, Does it have any health benefits?
A:  Yes, Indeed it does! Rhubarb is one of the best foods for constipation.

Q:  What are the health benefits from eating avocados?
A:  Avocados improve cholesterol health, stabilize blood sugar, and are rich in Potassium.

Q:  Do avocados lower cholesterol?
A:  Avocados do lower small Dense LDL cholesterol in our blood. This is the most super dangerous type of cholesterol in our blood. Yep, it’s the worst of the worst type of cholesterol.  And yes, Avocados help lower this type of cholesterol.

Q:  What is it about Avocados that makes them so unique?
A:  Avocados are a type of a fruit.  It is found that by adding avocado to a diet, whether you are a meat eater or a vegetarian, avocado do help to lower the small dense LDL cholesterol.  The size distribution of the cholesterol becomes more benign as well. 

Q:  Does extra virgin help with this?
A:  No, it does not. Clinical studies demonstrate that this is not just a monounsaturated fat thing.

Q:  Do other foods help lower LDL cholesterol?
A:  Yes, Nuts and seeds such as walnuts are excellent to lower LDL cholesterol too.  Walnuts also can help keep your blood vessels healthy.  Most nuts are healthy for your heart in general including hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, pistachios and walnuts.

Q:  Is all LDL cholesterol bad?
A:  Yes.  All LDL cholesterol is bad.  Small Dense cholesterol LDL is the worst of the worst.

Q:  Wow!  What are the additional benefits that avocado offers that other vegetables and foods don’t offer as effectively?
A:  It’s important to understand that Avocados do lessen the small Dense LDL cholesterol. Not all cholesterol lowering foods do address this particular type of LDL cholesterol. 

Q:  I see.  Thank you, Dr Liz!
A:  You bet.

About Dr. Liz Perry
Dr. Liz is a primary care provider with a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and a Master’s degree in Business Management from Harvard University. For over 22 years, Dr. Liz has worked as an international healthcare consultant, has traveled the world, and has written hundreds of published articles as a health journalist.

Wisdom for Health - Benefits of Eating Walnuts
Dr. Liz Perry


Liz Perry