How to Recreate Yourself

Do you use the New Year to recreate yourself?
At Perry Family Health we help you to do just that. Whether it’s extra weight you want to lose, an addiction you want to rid yourself of, such as smoking or opiates, it could be anything, or just emotional instability, ups and downs, depression, anxiety, or both.  Maybe you just want to look younger and feel better without the stress, expenditure and healing time, post-surgery.

The New Year is a great time to recreate ourselves!
Many of us look to the New Year as a time to start fresh.  I can still hear these words being spoken from my greatest mentor in healthcare leadership, Doris Oaks, she whispered, “Successful people know how to recreate themselves.”  She was right!  Successful people always do know how to continuously recreate themselves. Over the years I’ve thought often about what she said, and it’s true. Life isn’t easy, but we do have the power to create or recreate ourselves, at any given time, how and when we want to.  The New Year is often a good time to get started! We surely can’t control a lot of things in life, nor can we control other people. However, we can control ourselves. Sometimes we just need a little help.

Change is inevitable, so how can we make that work for us?
You don’t need to be a Harvard alum to comprehend that the one thing in life that’s inevitable is change!  Sadly, and often, those that can’t cope with change, fall by the wayside. Truth be told, people pay huge amounts of money to adapt to change. CEO’s, movie stars, sports athletes, and people like you and me. Much of what you learn in Business school, is about change. In fact, all of it is about change. The same is true in Medical school. Whether we are evaluating the rate of change, it’s growth, or lack thereof, measuring it, creating ways to adapt to it, it’s all about change. Life is all about change! The sooner we comprehend that, the sooner we can create an effectively way to adapt and lead our lives.

Here are a few words of wisdom and actual steps you can take to launch your New Year in a powerful and effective way. Yes, it’s okay if you start in mid-month or in February. The key is to start! Make the commitment.

Envision what you want your life to look like.
Honestly, this is the hardest part. I suggest you go to a quiet space, take a deep breath, relax and begin to fantasize. Fantasize about the life you really want. What do you look like? How are you feeling? How are you interacting? Where and how are you living? Pay close attention now to what you are experiencing in this fantasy. Once you are clear, on a deep level, of what you really want your life to look like, you then must map your plan.

Map your plan.
Mapping your plan is fun and exciting! Say you want to become a millionaire and look fantastic. So, what must you do to get there? Why aren’t you there now? What is holding you back? Get clear on these answers, then map your plan and work your plan. It’s that easy.

Work your plan.
As I stated earlier, the hardest part is envisioning what you really want. Once you are clear on that, you simply put your plan together on how to get what you want. You then take the action necessary to make your fantasy a reality.

My Personal Story
I’ve always been an individual who is goal oriented. As a woman approaching fifty, I just could not lose weight however. I ate fairly healthy, tried to exercise regularly and maintained a variety of healthy living activities.  After all, I am a physician, and a doctor of oriental medicine! We are supposed to be those healthy ‘alternative’ people, and indeed we are. Having said that, and meaning it, I still couldn’t lose the weight!   I have a dear friend I knew while I was at Harvard, and his wife was an endocrinologist.  We all got together, and she put me on her plan. It was a meal replacement plan. At first, I wasn’t so sure about this.  There is just SOOO much stuff out there. How did I know this would work? After speaking with her, I was convinced that it would, and it did! I lost the 35lbs that I needed and relatively fast. The best part is that I was never really hungry, and I’ve been able to keep it off. That’s why we now offer this same plan at Perry Family Health. Call and make your appointment today, (561) 660-8511.

About Dr. Liz Perry
Dr. Liz is a primary care provider with a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and a Master’s degree in Business Management from Harvard University. For over 22 years, Dr. Liz has worked as an international healthcare consultant, has traveled the world, and has written hundreds of published articles as a health journalist.

Liz Perry